Search engine indexing and store locator
The centre chose Némésis studio to develop its online presence.
CMS WordPress
At that time, the centre had its own page on the Hirslanden Clinique La Colline website and placed ads online via Google AdWords.
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
“The Plieuse-atelier.fr site had a lot of potential, but its obsolescence prevented us from adding anything new. The redesign has been highly beneficial as it has significantly increased turnover.”
– Julie – Project manager – Némésis studio –
Digital solutions implemented
SEO audit
Study of the status quo
Study of the competition
Study of the target
Creation of a website
Implementation of a content writing strategy
Optimisation of local indexing
Implementation of AdWords campaigns
Technical details:
+ Development of a site via the open-source WordPress CMS.
+ Indexing and SEO.
+ Integration of the Google Maps API.
+ Development of an anti-spam solution to protect the centres’ email addresses.
+ Compliance with W3C-certified HTML5 coding standards
+ Use of Photoshop for visual processing
+ Use of Google Fonts
+ Optimisation for different screen sizes
+ Compatibility with all current browsers