Ad publication management software
Plieuse-atelier.fr provides professionals and individuals with a wide range of bending machines and accessories for processing sheet metal. The company strives to optimise its online presence to face competition and optimise its sales. This concern with performance and efficiency led Plieuse-atelier to call on Némésis studio.
The company entrusted Némésis studio with creating customised online ad publication management software.
Online since:
HTML – CSS – JavaScript – TypeScript
HTML – CSS – JavaScript – TypeScript
The Plieuse-atelier.fr team published a large number of classified ads on a well-known dedicated site. However, planning and publishing these ads was very tedious and time-consuming. The team needed a solution to automate these processes as much as possible.
Goal 1
Be able to schedule ads from an interactive map to optimise the regional visibility of products.
Goal 2
Have a calendar providing a detailed view of the ads to be published.
Goal 3
Automatically track published ads and check if they are still online.
Digital solutions implemented
“The software implemented has optimised the processes for planning and publishing ads. This saves considerable time for the Plieuse-atelier.fr team.”
– Julie – Project Manager – Némésis studio –
Study of the status quo
The first step in our audit was to analyse the tools in place and how the Plieuse-atelier team used them. Planning was previously done via an interactive online map and a spreadsheet file. We were thus able to precisely define the functionalities to keep, those to modify or remove, and those to add in order to best meet the company's needs.
Software development
Taking into account the needs and the conclusions of our audit, we developed custom software by integrating the functionalities conceived with the client. Using agile methods and dividing the development into sprints, we developed the software throughout the project to perfectly meet the needs of the Plieuse-atelier.fr team.
Creation of an interactive map
The Plieuse-atelier.fr team wanted to be able to plan its ads via an interactive map. The aim was to have a global view of scheduled ads and those online in order to cover all regions of France while avoiding duplication. We developed a map broken down into regions and departments. When you hover over a department, you can see the history of ads published in that department. When you click, you can schedule an ad. Each ad (product) is represented by a colour for clear visibility.
Development of a publication calendar
Once scheduled, ads are displayed on a publication calendar. A colour code lets you quickly see the status of an ad (e.g. to be published, online, expired, etc.). When you click on an ad, you can access all the information to be provided on the online ad platform. This information is automatically generated by the software so that the text varies from one ad to another.
We monitor the software (technical updates and new functionalities) and support Plieuse-atelier, in particular with promoting its products.
Technical details:
+ Interactive map
+ Validity verification system
+ Remote use of VPN
+ Secure connection
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