Natural local SEO and AdWords
The Hirslanden Clinique La Colline osteopathy centre is located in the heart of Geneva (Switzerland). The team, composed of osteopaths with various training and specialisms, offers its patients a wide range of osteopathic techniques to best respond to their needs.
The centre chose Némésis studio to develop its online presence.
Ostéopathie La Colline website:
Online since:
The osteopaths at the Hirslanden Clinique La Colline osteopathy centre, Geneva, complained about the centre’s lack of visibility when searching on Google.
At that time, the centre had a web page dedicated to osteopathy on the Hirslanden Clinique La Colline website and advertised online via Google AdWords.
At that time, the centre had a web page dedicated to osteopathy on the Hirslanden Clinique La Colline website and advertised online via Google AdWords.
Goal 1
Develop and put online a responsive website with natural SEO
Goal 2
Develop and increase the osteopathy centre's visibility in local indexing in Geneva via natural SEO and Google My Business
Goal 3
Optimise local indexing via Google AdWords
Digital solutions implemented
SEO audit
As the Hirslanden Clinique La Colline osteopathy centre is located in Geneva, Switzerland and our design offices are based in France, we used VPNs and Swiss search engines throughout the project. This allowed us to obtain the most reliable audit results possible.
Study of the status quo
The first step in our audit was to analyse the contents of the osteopathy centre's existing page on the clinic's website. This page contained very little text (around 100 words) and was probably not optimised enough to achieve good indexing online. However, by studying the centre's positioning in search engine results, this page could be found thanks to general awareness of the Hirslanden Clinique La Colline site. But this awareness was not sufficient to cope with the all-too-present competition.
Study of the competition
Secondly, we sought to learn more about the osteopathy centre's competitors. The sector proved to be highly competitive, with no fewer than 100 qualified listings related to osteopathy in and around Geneva. After listing the main competitors by searching key phrases related to the osteopathy sector, we looked at the keywords and content they used to come up with a list of phrases and content to use.
Study of the target
The main target had already been identified: people seeking an osteopath in and around Geneva. However, in order to create relevant content for internet users, we studied this target to deduce more precise ones: athletes needing follow-up, elderly people suffering from pain, pregnant women, children, infants, adults, etc.
Creation of a website
Taking into account the needs, the conclusions of our audit and the osteopathy centre's budget, the most suitable solution proved to be a one-page site. Although often criticised for its SEO performance, it can be a valuable ally when used wisely. For the site's graphics, the choice fell on a premium theme that we customised. The result is modern, attractive and sophisticated, in keeping with Hirslanden Clinique La Colline. Photos that we selected visually present osteopathy and give the site a human dimension. One of the project's constraints was to give internet users the option to easily make an appointment online from the website. As the osteopathy centre already had a powerful tool, we integrated it into the site via numerous buttons to encourage users to click.
Implementation of a content writing strategy
As this project focused on natural SEO, it was imperative to implement a coherent content writing strategy. Based on the existing content of the centre's page on the clinic site and a list of topics provided by the client, we wrote texts for the site. We used the entire lexical field of osteopathy to position the site on key phrases and offer interesting texts for both internet users and Google.
Optimisation of local indexing
To optimise the site's local indexing, we optimised the centre's Google My Business account and registered the new site on specialised directories (Swiss directories, directories of health professionals).
Implementation of AdWords campaigns
The Hirslanden Clinique La Colline osteopathy centre was already using AdWords campaigns to position itself in Google results via an account shared by the entire clinic. The centre wanted its own account to gain greater control over campaign monitoring. We therefore took care of creating and configuring the account and then implementing the AdWords campaigns.
Technical details:
+ Development of a one-page site with responsive web design.
+ Indexing and SEO.
+ Integration of the Google Maps API and a form with PHP processing.
+ Development in HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript and PHP5.
+ Compliance with W3C-certified HTML5 coding standards.
+ Use of Bootstrap frameworks.
+ Use of Photoshop for visual processing.
+ Use of the jQuery library.
+ Use of Google Fonts.
+ Optimisation for different screen sizes.
+ Compatibility with all current browsers.
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